Who to Call When Shipping a Car

When shipping a car, it is in your best interest to contact a professional auto transport company directly. The reality is that the carrier or the driver is not knowledgeable to the laws and regulations that are necessary to the legalities of your vehicle. They are simply working with or for the transport company. The auto transport company or brokers are the ones that take great care in ensuring that your vehicle is transported safely and securely. The transport company also deals directly with insurance and other legalities to help you stay safe when transporting your vehicle. You might even think that you can save money or time dealing directly with the carrier or driver, but this is completely and utterly not the reality. Many times, people who have not dealt with the transport company or brokers, have gotten themselves into debacles because of small misunderstandings with the driver or the carrier. When dealing with the transport company, everything is in writing and legal, so you are safe and secure, as well as your vehicle, every step of the way. The truth is that dealing directly with the carrier or the driver is not even usually cheaper than dealing with the Auto Transport Company or broker. The prices that are set forth by the auto transport company are perfected to take all costs into consideration. This ensures a low price that you pay for your vehicle being shipped. The driver or carrier might not know the correct price for shipping and might quote you a higher price than the transport company ever would, so it is best to not engage in asking for a lower price from the driver or carrier. Call the transport company directly when you are looking to ship any type of vehicle and you will get the best price possible, you will get safe and secure shipment, and most importantly, you will be legally covered from all angles and directions. There are no questions when dealing with the broker directly, since all the questions have already been thought out and dealt with before you even contact the broker. You can feel safe and secure that everything has already been taken care of and you don’t have to worry about problems or issues arising in the future, which could be the case when dealing with the driver or carrier in the shipment of your vehicle.

Posted on August 25th, 2012

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